Tagged: death


Death of a Policeman

Police have families too I was married to a police officer. I recall vividly how I stayed awake most nights when he was on Third Watch, praying he would come home safely to me and his four daughters. Whenever people look for scapegoats or targets...

social media, EverybodysLost.com 0

Your Social Media Detritus

What happens to your social media accounts when you die? SEE UPDATE BELOW I wrote yesterday about my good friend and colleague Ted Rogers who passed away. In searching for his photo to include in the blog, I realized his website was still up. Curiosity...

@2015 Beth Terry, Grand Canyon 2

Never Thought of it that way ~ Traditions

Traditions keep us together Many of my friends have left the planet in the past few years. Still we have babies, weddings and graduations to remind us Life Goes On. The funeral wasn’t a surprise. He hadn’t been well. I was asked to MC and...