Happy Lunar New Year!

Chinese New Year is a Huge Celebration in Hawaii

The New Year Celebration lasts for two weeks, and is greeted with more enthusiasm than our traditional New Years Eve. For that reason, I searched for my photo of a rooster on Kauai, because this is the year of the Rooster.


2017 is the Year of the Rooster

Of course, I couldn’t find the rooster photo. I’m sure it’s in my files somewhere. I found many multiple copies of other photos. These were often photos of people I don’t know, or wonderful down-memory-lane photos that sent me scurrying to look for more of those. Maybe our entire decade should be called the Decade of the Rabbit Hole!

Do you do that too? Do you find yourself working on one project and in the process of searching for whatever you need, you spend two hours reminiscing or looking at things that have nothing to do with the project? I call that the Rabbit Hole. It’s fun, but not terribly productive. It’s also the reason this post is a little late!

Lunar New Year usually falls between 4 and 5 weeks after our traditional one. I think of it as a reset after failing to remember any of my New Year Resolutions from December 31. Feel free to join in! In Hawaii, our Chinese New Year Celebration means amazing food with friends and family, wonderful fairs and parades, and lots of fireworks.

The theory is that blowing fireworks will scare away the bad luck demons and you’ll have a wonderful year. Since I didn’t have fireworks and my neighbors get fussy about loud noises in in the middle of the night, I went online and found this – ENJOY!


Now go make some new New Year Resolutions. Mine will be to finally get my photo collection organized!  Technology was supposed to make life easier! Instead we have more to organize, more websites to monitor, more photos of people we don’t know… Oi!

There are many ways to spell it and many different things that are said in Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean and other Asian languages at this time of year. In Hawaii we say Kung Hee Fat Choy! However you say it, take every chance you get to celebrate Life, Love, Happiness, Prosperity, Joy, Family and Friends.

It’s all good… Life is tough, take moments here and there to enjoy yourself.

Take care and Happy New Year!

Beth Terry

© 1998-2017 Beth Terry • All Rights Reserved

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