In Holiday Overwhelm? Cyber Month Deal

Happy Holidays!

Here are two gifts for you: First, your Holiday Card, and second, a few wonderful discounts to make your packing and shopping easier!

Enjoy Your Holiday Card!

Hint: for best viewing, click on this little dohickey in the bottom right hand corner^  Holiday PPT viewing

And here’s a special from my store: (I called it Cyber Monday – But it’s Cyber Month really –  through December 22)

Our End of Year Clearance helps you get out of Holiday Overwhelm!
Buy any item(s) from our store and

include at least ONE Walking in a Crowd of Angels book.

We’ll give you a whopping 25% Discount


Use this code


Special ends on December 22, 2017

To use discount code, go to Checkout page and click on
Use Gift Card or Promo Code
just above your credit card number.
Please forward to friends and share on Facebook!

Note – if you purchase any of our digital products, we will email them to you directly. We are still working out the kinks for the digital store. Soon, soon!

Don’t forget to read Holiday Advice from last week

Breathe! Enjoy your Holidays. Don’t let the Grinches in the world spoil your opportunity to stop and smell the pine trees. Remember, all we have is NOW. All we know is what we know. Keep learning. Keep your mind open to new information and new possibilities. And give yourself the gift of peace.

Go to my store and pick up a couple of deals!

PS – But WAIT, there’s MORE! 😀  If you order 10 of Anything in the Store, I’ll add two more in the box as a Holiday Bonus! This offer only good while supplies last. And… still free shipping! (see info about Walking In A Crowd of Angels in the sidebar to your left.)

Enjoy Your Day! I know I am!


©2017 Beth Terry Events, All rights reserved

© 2017 Beth Terry, CSP • All rights Reserved

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