Yesterday Ended Last Night for the Cubs

Congratulations Cubs for ending a 109 year streak!

Cubs Play Padres

Cubs Play Padres at Spring Training in AZ, March 2015

Spring Training in Arizona is a big deal. Games are being played all over the Phoenix Valley, signaling the beginning of weeks of excitement and “batter up!” The smell of the popcorn, the sunny days sitting out at the fields playing hooky from work, and the sound of the bat cracking the ball bring back memories from childhood. We scour the internet for tickets every year.

While watching the the Cubs play the Padres, my friend correctly predicted, “The Cubs could go all the way this year. You should take a picture of this game. They’re awesome already.” So there’s the picture above, my little cellphone snapshot of a team well on it’s way to breaking records.

Baseball is the quintessential American sport, and one of the best ways to watch real Team Spirit in action. We’ve all heard it before, but the Cubs put Team Psychology 101 into practice and it paid off. Last night you could see they worked it from the farm teams to the dugout to coaching styles: In essence, all the players and managers said, “We don’t quit, we tell them it’s time to step it up, we tell them we believe in them, we know we can do it. We have a great team.” 

When anyone believes in you that much, it makes it so much easier to do the job right!

That’s a great reminder for all Managers!
Cubs Win at Wrigley Field! Watch here

One of the fans held up a sign that said, “No More Next Year!” That sums it up. This was a long time coming and a well deserved reward for what appears to be a solid team strategy from the top down.

Congratulations Cubs! It will be fun to watch you this year!


Beth Terry

© 2015 Beth Terry • All Rights Reserved


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